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Couple’s Weekly Challenge #1: EverydayDateNight Presents   #RedWhiteandBlueChallenge

New Blog, New Challenge, New Fun

Hi everyone, welcome to the new revamped blog! We are so excited to be back, creating new content to help advise, foster, and celebrate your relationships. To kick things off we have a challenge for you guys: submit photos from your Independence Day celebrations! To submit, tag us on your social media posts @EverydayDateNight, use the hashtags #CouplesWeeklyChallenge & #RedWhiteAndBlueChallege, and make sure you’re following us. Submissions can be anything— funny, interesting, wild, tasty… whatever you think will grab our attention. We’ll be taking submissions until this Sunday, July 12, at midnight. Winners will be announced the next day and featured on our social media! Best of luck to everyone!

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