Thankfully, game nights with my fiancé are easy since we both play video games. Now, we both love Dark Souls and I feel it is insane to recommend that for most couples, but thankfully I have tons of other options so hopefully at least one works for you!
Computer Games!

I’m going to start with ideas for couples without video game consoles since I imagine most couples with gaming consoles might already be playing games together. Tabletop Simulator on Steam is the best option for those that like board games. https://store.steampowered.com/app/286160/Tabletop_Simulator/ You’re going to have to download the Steam App first, which you can find here: https://store.steampowered.com/about/.
First make sure that your computer has the specs for Tabletop Simulator, which you can find on the link above. The game includes several board games, and you can pay to download official games or download mods that the community has made. There are tons of fun games to play, such as Zombicide (Paid DLC), Betrayal at the House on the Hill, Castle Wars, and Dominion (Mods).
You can find paid add-ons on the Store Page, and mods on the Community Hub under Workshop. The Workshop can be overwhelming since it has so much content, so your best option is to search for games you know or use the categories on the right side to help your searches. The very bottom of the category section has languages, which will greatly ease your searches.
For computer games to play together, I recommend games where you build a base such as Minecraft or Terraria. They’re fun teamwork-based games and I feel it is nice building a cute base with your partner or fighting bosses together.
Card Games on Your Phone!

A good game to play with groups of people is Evil Apples: You Against Humanity! on your phone. It’s basically Cards Against Humanity in another form. Not really a game for a date night, but fun if you want to play with a group of friends or plan a double date. The base game is free but you can pay to add card expansions.
Good Ol’ Nintendo

If you both own a Nintendo Switch, the new Mario game, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a great option despite the annoyingly long name. It’s a remake of the Wii U game Super Mario 3D World with an additional game added with it. Both games are amazing to play with your partner, I’m loving playing it with my fiancé! Keep in mind I am horrible at Mario games, but it is so much fun playing with someone you love.
There are tons of fun game ideas, so I’m hoping this helps you have fun with your partner and/or friends!